QS Rankings MasterClass
14th June in London
A QS Rankings MasterClass will be held on June 14th 2017 for those interested in learning how rankings are compiled; The interactive class will cover areas of institutional performance improvement which rankings are likely to reflect as well as offer a 30’ one-to-one consultation with our senior team of data analysts and rankings experts.
Who’s sharing best practices? The world’s top universities, including:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- The University of Oxford
- Yale University
- Stanford University
- Warwick University…and many more.
What will I learn about?
The transformational potential of comparative data with MIT, Stanford, UPenn, and Yale;
How the University of Oxford is using analytics to optimize fundraising efforts;
How data is helping the University of Nottingham to model Brexit outcomes;
How Australia’s leading research universities are affected by the rise of data science.
Looking to remain at the cutting edge of educational progress? Take advantage of the early bird discount! Visit www.edudatasummit.com today to join the world’s leading forum for the twenty-first century educator.